How can our organization turn lived experience into lived expertise?
Suicide prevention organizations already include significant lived experience. That experience can be a resource for improving services, changing the culture and providing leadership. But organizations can improve and enhance the ways in which they incorporate and foster individuals with lived experience to build stronger organizational cultures, resources, partnerships, and policies.
There are many questions organizations can ask themselves when assessing their current level of integration and readiness. They can include:
How do we actively recruit people with lived experience and avoid problems related to HIPAA, personal confidentiality etc.?
How can we include the voice of lived experience more actively in leadership and program design?
What human resource policies might be adjusted or created to support a workplace wellness culture that is also high performing?
How do we manage/consider culture change and program design as it relates to professional licensure, peer specialist positions etc.?
How can counselors and others share the healing power of lived experience while maintaining excellent listening/therapeutic standards?
Created by arif fajar yulianto from the Noun Project